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WikiBöll - Der Fall Böllinger: Artikel

WikiBöll censorship

4th June 2020

A seething volcano

The possibly still open question: Who finances a primary school teacher with a net salary of an estimated approx. 2,000 € - litigation costs in the 4th year after the trial fraud, false affidavits, etc., - in the amount of an estimated 200,000 € for at least four lawyers?

Peanuts for Böllinger or third-party financed?

The financial situation of the Böllingers was researched by us for feasibility! More soon.

Why does Ms. Böllinger still use the estimated huge sums when they are supported by expert Dr. Schaffner was offered an exit option for a fraction in 2017?

Who paid and pays them false witnesses , including indirect rewards.

Even more interesting: WHY ?

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A tree frog climbs laboriously
Except for the tree's canopy
And he puffs himself up and croaks: »Yes, yes!
Mr. Neighbor, I'm still here!«

Wilhelm Busch

For how much longer ?

A primary school teacher apparently no longer has the judiciary firmly in hand via rope teams - she has to deposit € 25,500 security.

Everything that should be kept secret in the case of Uta Böllinger.


All that is needed in Rastatt are rope teams.


You can hardly imagine how unscrupulous the corruption of the party book, court, public prosecutor, church, district and city administration in Rastatt is. Read how judges at the Rastatt District Court unrestrainedly bend the law, falsify it, suppress evidence, instigate ... and are covered.


Administrative Court of Karlsruhe

- Brief dated December 18, 2020

- Lawsuit Hoffmann against StA is admitted to the administrative court, 23.12.20




Volker Hoffmann ./. Uta Boellinger

- The cost of this procedure

- The core statement No. 1 of the OLG judgment, without taking of evidence and hearing a witness, plus 25,500 € security deposit for Böllinger, who is now responsible for fraudulent proceedings together with your lawyer.

- The core statement No. 2 of the OLG judgment


We begin - the unveiling start.

Facts, documents, evidence, accomplices


Starting today, our research results will be put online in regular cycles.

Extract from our press inquiries - simply click on the underlined link and the document will open:


  1. Press inquiry from July 3rd, 2019 to Ms. Böllinger

  2. Press inquiry from April 20, 2020 to Ms. Böllinger

  3. Press request from



  1. Press inquiry to attorney Balduin-Schober

  2. Cease and desist statements

  3. Public prosecutor

  4. Judge Rainer Nickel




Motives for joining the party


Why "The Greens" are silent:


Party comrades who purposefully pass on Uta Böllinger while undermining the legal system, conflicts of interest are kept secret:


  1. Judge Angelika Binder (Green Party colleague of Böllinger and the court records changed in favor Böllinger)

  2. Official veterinarian LK Rastatt Dr. Christa Schulz

  3. more surprises follow


Why Lord Mayor Pütsch sends Mr. Pfirrmann in front


The reports

- No. 1 of November 2nd, 2017

- No. 2 from April 20, 2020



- simply explained

- Dr. Schulz, Baden-Baden

- Dr. Gutzweiler, Rastatt


False witnesses

- Hansjörg Bayer

- Nicholas Very

- Tatjana Zeiter

- Karin Geckle

- Cornelia Weidle

- Monika Peter-Beck

- among others


Attempts to pervert the law


1st judge Angelika Binder

- Change of the swearing-in of Mr. Sehr - request for a statement from 10.11.20

- 1st complaint of failure to act from November 24th, 2020

- 2nd complaint of inaction dated December 10th, 2020

- 3rd complaint of failure to act from January 11th, 2020

- Supervision complaint (examination result) to LGPres Doderer from 25.11.19

- Supervision complaint to LG President Brede from December 10th, 2020

- Letter from the President of the Regional Court dated December 18, 2020 (answer can be found in the attachment dated December 10, 2020 to the recorder Weber - see below)

- Proceedings delayed by District Court Director Klaus Felder from December 22nd, 2020


2. Secretary Weber

- Request official

  Position from December 10th, 2020

- 1st complaint of inaction dated December 22nd, 2020


3. Ministerialrat Wirz

- Reply from the Stuttgart Ministry of Justice dated October 23, 2020


4. The result:

Correction decision of January 15, 21


  • and much more

WikiBöll - Der Fall Böllinger: Willkommen
Image by Kuma Kum

To person

Christoph Schmietenknop

Facts suppressed and ignored

Pecunia non olet ("Money doesn't stink")

... for some people until the doctor comes, it doesn't cost anything.

An hourly rate of up to € 300 net (€ 357 gross) is too tempting to adhere to professional obligations:

Lawyer Schmietenknop is repeatedly and publicly requested to obtain an affidavit from his client Uta Böllinger that her claims are true, in particular why they are above the results of the reports and attitudes of the Munich public prosecutor's office.

You will also be asked to secure yourself with the responsible Karlsruhe Bar Association!

You are hereby expressly advised of the prohibition of lying in accordance with Section 43a (3) BRAO.

The lawyer's duty of truth is justified by the requirement of objectivity (Section 43a, Paragraph 3 BRAO) and the position as an organ of the administration of justice (Section 1 BRAO).

The lawyer must protect his party from violating the duty of truth and he must not contribute to the spread of untruths himself.

If your party refuses to rectify what has evidently been the case here for several years, the only thing the lawyer can do is resign.

If the client explains to the lawyer "with a wink" before the lawsuit that he does not want to say more about a question in order not to make the lawyer bad faith, the professional ethical problem arises as to the extent to which the lawyer has to ask further questions.

If in doubt, he has to resign from the mandate.

More than doubts already arise from the results of the reports, the credibility of honorable witnesses available to you, to the simultaneous knowledge with (!) The acceptance of a mandate that the key witness with 33 convictions in the BZR (Federal Central Register), to which your client Ms. Böllinger has been invoking for 4 years , has confessed - in public court proceedings, in some cases even sworn in!

The declaration of cease and desist from Stealth to Mr. Schmietenknop will soon be available here:

  1. Cover letter dated August 25, 2019


WikiBöll - Der Fall Böllinger: Über mich
Prescription drugs

To person

Andrea Balduin-Schober

Read briefly our press inquiries and cease and desist statements to this lawyer.


She not only advises Ms. Böllinger, but also briefs the false witnesses , prepares the text of the false affidavits, etc.


Hourly rate net: up to € 150.00 (€ 178.50).


Brief facts about the hired false witnesses:


  • Nikolaus Sehr

  • Karin Geckle

  • Tatjana Zeiter

  • Hansjörg Bayer

  • Volker Zingraff

  • Melanie Mouse



WikiBöll - Der Fall Böllinger: Über mich

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